Fruit trees are a blessing, whether you choose them for your city garden, for the country garden or for your orchard you dreamed of. When you choose fruit trees, you invest with passion in your soul project. Here’s what you need to know to plant fruit trees!

The first step is the perfect choice of planting period.

They must be planted during the vegetative rest period, ie in autumn or spring until the end of April. The most appreciated is the autumn period, because it gives the seedlings the chance to catch and establish a better support in the soil. The trees must be kept in a cold environment, so as not to enter the vegetation phase. Therefore, planting in the spring months is done only if the weather is colder and if a proper approach is applied.

Before choosing fruit trees, it is important that the soil be rich in nutrients and well lit, but not excessive. The most indicated and most fertile soils are humus-rich chernozems, as well as reddish-brown soils, specific to forest areas.

The choice of trees is made so that the stem is vigorous and without damage, and the root is rich and healthy. After this step, the pits are dug. It should be borne in mind that certain varieties of fruit trees or columnar trees need more space for planting. Apples, brushes, peaches, cherries, apricots and plums need at least 4 meters between them, while walnuts and cherries require at least 5m planting distance. It is also recommended that the pits be dug in time, for aeration and sterilization of the soil. This considerably reduces the risk of seedlings being attacked by pests and diseases. The size of the pits must be 1-1.5 m, and the depth 60-80 cm, to allow proper loosening of the soil.

Grafted trees should be placed with the grafting point to the north, so as not to be in direct sunlight. The pit should be well mowed before the roots are inserted into it, spread to cover the entire area. It is also recommended to reverse the soil, the surface to be placed at the bottom and vice versa, for a faster and more correct growth. The last step is to carefully compact the soil, because unstable soil can lead to tree instability, and too strong compaction can lead to root suffocation. The tree planted in this way can be supported with a wooden support and tied with a string to it, for easier growth.